Parking lot lighting maintenance

Do you have a problem with your parking lot lights? You shouldn’t ignore it. Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the parking area, but it is vital to your business.

When you are experiencing problems your Kansas City Electricians are there to assist. We offer parking lot lighting services that are affordable and efficient. We handle lighting repair for parking lot HDI and LED lamps in fixtures and signs.

For the best commercial lighting services call today. We are nearby in Kansas City MO waiting to serve you.
Call (816) 307-1751

Parking Lot Lights

Improper street lighting / parking lot lighting can lead to some serious problems for your commercial property. Your customers are more likely to trip and fall which could lead to potential lawsuits against your company. A poorly lit parking lot can also invite criminals. Your dark parking area could also expose you to direct loss resulting from vandals and thieves that target your property. A poorly maintained parking lot is simply bad for business since it makes your business appear sloppy and under-equipped.

Commercial Lighting Maintenance

When your commercial lighting fails many times all you need is a bulb replacement. But you can’t change parking lot lights the way you can your bedroom lamps. It’s a little more complicated than picking up a few light bulbs at the hardware store. Parking lot lights are mounted on a pole or structures that are often are too high to reach without the help of a lift. Even the oldest parking lot light fixtures require a licensed electrician to troubleshoot and provide proper maintenance.

high-intensity discharge bulbs (HID) or LED lighting

A street light uses either high-intensity discharge bulbs (HID) or LED lighting. HIDs can be dangerous to handle since they’re filled with gasses, like argon and mercury. Also, they can’t just be screwed in. Instead, these must be fitted to ballasts in the parking lot lamp (a special piece of electrical equipment that allows the lamp to light while regulating the flow of current).

Should I Retrofit My Exterior Lighting To More Modern Types of Lights

It’s very common for commercial property owners to retrofit their parking lots to more modern LED lights. LEDs last longer, create significant energy savings, and produce more energy-efficient lighting. But these come with potential problems of their own. With LED lighting, the drivers can fail, ballasts can break and capacitors can overload.

For the best commercial lighting services call today. We are nearby in Kansas City MO waiting to serve you.

Call (816) 307-1751